In 2022 launched an evidence-based online quiz aimed at internet users among the 22.1 million registered voters to tackle election-related misinformation and disinformation.

The quiz addresses key vulnerable areas of media literacy using social media insights.

Born out of The Stop Reflect Verify quiz was a three-part podcast series. The Stop Reflect Verify Podcast offers more context, helping you if you’ve ever been shamed into sharing, fooled into forwarding, or tricked by trending topics on social media.

Our second episode features Odanga Madung, Co-founder of Odipo Dev, a media and research company popularly known for calling out information pollution tactics, especially in politics. 

In this episode Mark Kaigwa, Host and Founder of StopReflectVerify, and Odanga Madung talk about the evolution of politics on digital platforms. 

“In 2013 you have (politicians pay) Kes 30,000 per tweet…the political misinformation for hire industry in now experiencing an economics of scale.” Madung

With more demand for always-on content, middlemen became an integral part of disinformation campaign strategies where the cost per tweet has been drastically lowered to “$15-20 per campaign”.

Learn more about the state of information pollution, Twitter’s active contribution to its existence, and how it crops up successfully every 4-5 years.

Watch our latest episode on Youtube or listen on Spotify.